Saturday, October 25, 2014

Keys open doors.

When I would wake up any given morning as a kid I could hear my grandfather going hard on that typewriter upstairs.
I handed someone some white out today and I flashed back to a time when I would be in my grandparents dinning room kneeling on a chair with the back legs in the air as I leaned over to see what my grandfather was whiting out and how in the hell he found out how to place the paper back perfectly to continue.
He typed words in spanish as a tried to sound them out and figure out what they meant. The sound of the typewriter was so powerful. The way I could feel the whole dinning room table shack with every stroke of the key. The loud DING and the ZING when he brought it back.
Befor he would go to the bathroom he would take out what he was working on and placed a sheet of paper for me.... I remember me folding my fingers like a pianist before performing something great. The keys were different from a modern keyboard. With every key stroke it took effort and felt so everlasting, like my finger were free falling and when the key would strike it would be on that piece of paper forever. I wanted to type fast like my grandfather because when he typed it sounded like music and that's what I wanted.

Fast forward to high school, I wanted to take computer classes but it was mandatory to take a year of typing first. By the time I got to high school I didn't care to take a typing class... back then it was strictly a female subject and really uncool. But I was determined to take a computer class so I took the class and once again I fell in love with that machine. It felt great as a sophomore kicking the few guys (senors who were looking for easy classes to finish out the year) that took the class's butt.
The class was a great excuse to get my own typewriter. After annoying my folks long enough one day my parents come in with this hard plastic grey case and told me to open it.. and there it was. A new typewriter but unlike my grandfather this one was electric and erased words like the one in my class. No more white out and the keys were more like the ones that we use for computers and I think for those two reasons I fell out of love with typing. It stop feeling like something that was important and everlasting and more like something that became idiot proof. I never even took the computer class in high school. I moved on to a different subject that got my attention because it seemed important like when my grandfather typed... Printing Class and Graphic Design... to be continued.

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